
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Scope of Application Metal Cutting

Application of metal cutting in construction is very broad, covering construction as follows:

  1. Shipping (Shipping & Ship Building Engineering)
  2. Offshore oil rigs (Oil & Gas Offshore Platforms & Facilities Engineering)
  3. Tall building metal construction (General High Rise Building Construction)
  4. Bridge (Bridge Construction)
  5. Pressure Vessel (Pressure Vessel Engineering)
  6. Pipe Distributors, (Piping and Pipe Line Construction)
  7. Boiler (Steam Generator Boiler & Engineering)
At first the use of metal cutting tools with a philosophy of separating molecules bonding metal using saws, Sculpture, Scissors, made ​​of harder metal to metal being cut.
But with the development of welding and knowledge development to manufacture a very wide variety of metal materials, the metal cutting saws, scissors and Sculpture in need of development.
With the philosophy of melt objects to be cut then developing methods of cutting metal with trending heat source used in accordance with the availability and efficiency. The heat source used was derived from burning wood Charcoal, Coke, Gas, Electric arc, laser beam and Plasma Arc Electric and others.
From the development of welding and cutting metals today can be divided as follows:
  1. Separation of metal molecular bonding
  2. Heat up, melt, vaporize and separate metals:
  • conventional
  • Oxygen and fuel gas mixture (Oxy Fuel Cutting)
  • Electric arc
  • Laser beam
  • Electric arc plasma
  • and More
a. Separation of metal molecular bonding:
  1. Chainsaws (Until now still be used for other forms of thick and solid, such as Shaft ship, a thin profile and others).
  2. Scissors (Until now still used for thin metal plates and soft.)
  3. Sculpture (Up to now still used for special things)
  4. Lathe (Until now still used for special things)
Heat up, melt, vaporize and separate the liquid metal objects cut with a heat source:
Conventional with charcoal, coke (This method is still used today by the blacksmith.
Oxygen and fuel gas mixture (Oxy Fuel Cutting) example with Acetylene, Benzene, LPG​​, Methane and other. How to cut the gas mixture is the most widely used today.
The process of cutting steel with a mixture of gas and oxygen chemical process is estimated as follows:
Fe + FeO + ½ O2  64.0 Kcal
2Fe + 1 ½ O2 + Fe2O2  190.7 Kcal
3Fe + 2O2  Fe3O4 + 266.9 Kcal
Cutting occurs because Fe3O4 is formed has a lower melting point than steel and blown by the gas pressure.